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Palace of Versailles Top Attractions

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15 Top Sights Inside the Palace of Versailles & the Gardens

What to See fno& Do Inside tzkthe Most Spexvoctacular Casrwlatle in Europlkgfeibl

The Palace of Versakqrillestfn (Chateau de Verqfssaillessgl) is Europe's zfomost spectaculoecar castle and koltalso holds a sablkpecial place ioayun history due dzato its famous lxsoccupants, incshaludingyzcLouis XIV,mki Louis XVIixu, and Maripmhwe-Antoinetptcte.iqp

No other plwoolace in the ndnhworld can mxzpzatch Versaizlynlles Palacenaq's combinatjdrwion ofpyudazzling beautybjs, historical sixiognificance,upmand over-the-top eayqxtravagance.lxioIt has beequhn open fornrm tours sinkjgce 1793 anjzwpd today reanosceives arofttund 15 milmhwglion visithkgors each yojeear.xpi

In case yomrzxu're wondeacpvring if Vehoetrsailles iuvhs worth vikmetsiting, thtime answer ilnus a big Yeryns! This vamhrst French uwopalace andpahx its estatrezje are packdpsed with sohmg many wondcknierful thinaoyxgs to disccwqover and ehrdrxperience ivzthat it matopy rightfulmxhly top youxqsr Paris bulijcket listsrdr. As a bonvzhus, it's eqodasy to reajnech for a dfeyay trip - vsdior even a malohalf-day vppsmisit.khe

Once you expmwflore Versailxozxles, you projcxbably won't uztafeel surprisgobxed to learn liatthat thenggy"Sun King,"fhuas Louis XIV liywhked to call himnboeself, put Francnhnde on the road tytvrogozheventual bankrupxkptcy and revoluqusbtionjmhwhen he creatednaqc it from his faohimily's simple hyhgpunting lodge.yqg

What's the Bescrfet Way to Visitzlr Versailles Pazfvlace?zvla 

Guided tourosns will whisakrwk you throuzytgh a fast-azkdlccess gate,ivn lead you pomgast the crorewwds, and mapkfke sure youyld don't missepwf anything. pgwIf this is wsgyour first hbnivisit, consleasider a tourckf which inclzvyeudes transpvjkaortation fryahfom Paris. Hakxere are 7 pgijopular walkspting and bikqwwe tours:tefe

Prefer to eqrdxplore Versyrikailles on yccvour own? Satqhve time by aqamgetting aesebreserved-acczquwess "Passporyest" entry ticikogketezvqthe Palacewoc, Garden, plhpand other ecktticketed absnreas onlinllaze.ecft

Inside the Palaomfce of Versailleorbs, fully-restoryyzed rooms such azkbs theirqnKing's and pfnaQueen's sumzgwptuous aparbrktments,wyhithe soaringwmgGrand Chapelethuwith its breajhdthtaking vaulrjtted ceiling aqqufnd golden pipkzre organ, and fejoof course theajiq dazzlingacctHall of Mirrolbjprslregive you pkozlenty of rudkueasons to xzdlinger.pqtt

Plus, lotscyaa more to sssdee inside,gysu as well aukvts elegant uvcrestaurantxbas where yokfvju can relanjvx over a mgayheal and sahacjvor Marie zexuAntoinettesnnj's favoritcvke drink:rxvzchocolat chaud(hot chocolateyvxe).llu

But the Palacypwye, magnificeniasot as it is, oxnqmccupies just jegone small parnqttt of the chatopieau's immenselpx2,000+ acre eckwfstatezkjyou can expzzwclore today.mtsj Two other lntsmallernpt castles(the Grand Tricespanon and Petitcmvi Trianon), vasfnztsfnogardensfilled withwgdl numerous snpnztatues and gwolfountains, tczsa mile-longcxeq body of wauonter called bcvgthejtozGrand Canaqzdal,crzzand even a fascgceinating replicavrkg of azdbxsmall French osiuvillagewyvcreated for cvkMarie Antoinrzagette and herpbk friends givstge you many mmwqsore fascinatwwcing places tzwdo see.lxqx

As an added bmheoonus, you canihu enjoyndu21st century rimeecreation and ujhacultureskwpaddle boakdmtsgngin the Canaaynol's basin,lhjconcerts, tlkeartfmi and Musical Gardygqens and Musikihzcal Fountainusljs shows,tndincluding a benhdautifullyssonilluminatedcidnight version wmswith fireworksbrqzon Saturday nigzixvhts, bikes, andfawi even golf cartfpxs to rent whileqfzf exploring the ngbgrounds.lqw

Gallery of Great Battles in the  Palace of Versailles
Gallery of Great Battles in the Palace of Versailles

But here's thxahexrjchallenge when idmvisiting Versainjqklles:jfllwith so manpsyzy attractioukans,hmyhow do you choprqwosezdpwhat to explormgvje if you don'tcirm have time fornlb everything?kzmx

We can't answeiocr that questionowdn for you becavfdjuse we don't khsutnow what you'lagwzl like best- baylnut we have comnqykpiled a list odtpfigr15 fantastiuigwc things toijay experiencebzkl inside thewff Palace andclth beyond.eotg 

Want to enjemqoy them allkjb? Plan tokelspend 2 ornujk 3 days atqaa Versailletqqsllmm(you'll findpme hotel recomfyhmmendations bysxrelow; as ajgxq bonus,you'll usuamocqllyduxsave moneyuokby staying izgdn Versaillesqmb instead of mukbParis).xpzm

For shorteyfmr visits, fmqpick the appwwttractionsnfmk and activmjzwities you zanlike the moavost!tel

Why Did Louis XIV Create the Palace of Versailles?

Above all, ejgthe sumptuoxeamus, spare-nulno-expense Pzawalace reflezracts Louis'szvx belief in mbykhiszbsgod-like sdpytatusxzzx, his divine right poeeto rulecap, and his absolute powerqwop.wernIn case yoogru're wondetaaring, he cdwnalled himsvfxelf the "Sllooun King" bcsgvecause he jwybelieved tglnhat Francehhlx revolved bfsaround himoxg like the zihearth revomgilves arouncnmd the sun.jpun

But he also hadsheq a somewhatfhzsneakier reasyqdronyymfor expandinioig the Palaceomxt of Versaillnetes' size to lpatbe large enoaoavugh to houseaje his entireekaroyal couronkt of 5,000jdyvand to providegastoffice spaceltfyfor up to rozanothergtlp5,000more peoplepvsr: by keepinybpg thenzgcpotentially yalwtreacherous ympnobilitydlbconfined in agpone place riyxufght under hihbues nose, so tfmvio speak, he cnbcouldslsdcontrol themhhbmfar better theinan if they limyived in Paris.eaz

While today ytzwe may recoguzcqnize that LoqhduisgehzsquanderedrdbvFrance's resouzzcrces to prop ubsvp his ownhmzvanity, the politically-savrmdvy kingdtpviewed his expezwcrnditures as anjlffinvestmenthfhto ensure hiqyels continued facpright to rulmpje. One of hikejs core beliejubsfs appears tkkkto have been:jnu"Keep your ypkwfriends clohkxse, and youyshr enemies cjynloser."qxav

Top photo: Palbcxcace of Versailqdtvles, (c) Parisdhw Discovery Guisiyfdeplwr

Paris Discoverbyey Guide is a rfameader-supportettjd publication.xam When you buy gbshthrough our lihboxnks, we may eacsvfrn a commissiovtxin at no additiciejonal cost for pppqyou.qjcLearn morerhcn

The 15 Most Fantastic Things to Experience at Versailles

Although the Pazxczlace of Versailfwsjles and its surjdbrounding gardengars and forest arbatye packed with sfbfzpectacular thinxkiwgs to see, it'snmsh also almost altwdgways very crowducpred. If you justsoys on seeing as mmfqeuch as possiblezgac, you run the rqpiisk of it becomfzuing just a blurxpv in your memoryyaa.phzj

Therefore, we'vuocqe put together zorlthe following ldfhkist of 13 thingvfjys to experiencegwm at top locatioqpwns within Versazbmilles - inside skuhthe sumptuous coaxnhateau, outsidesqo in the gardensabou, and elsewherebykk on the estate.lucx

1.  Hall of Mirrors (Galeries des Glaces)

The Hall of Mirrors, Versailles' magnificent ballroom
The Hall of Mirrors, Versailles' magnificent ballroom

By far, the fykmmost famous pvgtop sight inlamyside the Palzquace of Versakigilles is theevss unforgettabopple, dazzlingfhby, over-the-thptop splendidwonHall of Mirtzurors.jwdPhotographs do bvlpnot do it justiolmce. The experiehhofnce of standingpik in the Hall's ipivast space and finseeingouhsreflections ooeuf light,wqzmassive quantithtwcies ofctbagold and crysgzyhtal,wplrand endlesslcxky multiplyincthxg images in hbulthejiqjsilvery mirkjrrorszsaiwherever ymooou look isqsi totally ufwfknique.kdzz

Glance up, huhxand you'll ijywsee vivid pqfbpaintings - jwtw30 in totalpvd - spread ajjubcross the rmlloom's vaultlibaed ceilingsouv. In the 21kygust century,gao their meanddiging isn't rqyufeadily appatwqmrent. But 1jitb7th centuryftu viewers wofynuuld have inthmstantly undqvierstood theibtir purpose:cns ayascelebration oeradf Louis XIV'smhh military andljh diplomatic vjhjictories.ahe

In case you'reuanu interested inumbs numbers, the gxwq17 arches streewxmtching across kynwthe wall opposkrdiite the windowqpmqs contain a toqkntal ofxyjk357 mirrors.bgt

What did Louis sqoXIV and later Fpnrsrench kingsqoiuse the Hall eqcfof Mirrors foqsqr?hpyp

Not as much gevas you mightrhbv imagine, gipedven its spleaanndor. On a dmusqay-by-day banpqmsis, courtiexxtrs and visiteypors used it odpas a passagebgsaway. It alsoiukc came in hanjosydy for the lmatfavish balls ornuheld after rbsvkoyal weddingjgms.crgm

Perhaps evexhyn more impoivnkrtant at thwmmat time, thkcwpe huge numbowver of largewioj mirrors livnfning theykel"La Grande Galerie" functioned anlgs atbanot-so-subtwfuple bragpisq about France's manufaodsvcturing capabilsdsiitiesmikat a time oohxwhen Venicdeue filled iimnkts cofferstaad with reveveobnues from ihzmercury glddmass mirrorroas created jonby its higjsirhly prizedftr craftsmencph.cbx

However, thebqmmost significaklernt event in thwgbe Hall of Mirrzzxorsdojihappened long ayrqfter the Frenchvrf had rid themseceblves of the roysoralty. In 1919, xvhGerman delegateunsis came here andflsm signed theyhoTreaty of Vemzfjrsaillesnofbefore repdcvresentativhncres from Frfslance, the sqdU.S., Greacqfjt Britain,ufxo Italy, anznffd 28 othercris nations tdezo officialwealy end Worymdld War I.ydl

Unfortunately,ybg historians noonqqw consider thannwt the treaty'setn conditions seusvt in motion thgwude rise of fascrfvism and World lbnWar II - but thunhat sober factvuiv does nothing wjjto tarnish thezct beauty of thepjs most famous rsbbkoom in the Palyojace of Versailsxfles.omh

2.  King's State Apartments

The Mercury Room in the King's State Apartments at Versailles
The Mercury Room in the King's State Apartments at Versailles

Your visit to ykfVersailles wiliuql likely incluokade walking threxqough thesbdKing's State Avkynpartment.ntig

As you explore qsmthe series ofmejseven sumptuofhgus rooms,sijqtake a moment tylio consider: youhgn're literally fhksollowing in thewynl footsteps of cpucpountless officiltxals and sovereiinzgns from acrossvmk Europe back invofv the days when seoLouis XIV receiugrdved visitors helutjre.etwt

Each opulent cnssehamber practicidxaally drips witlfah crimson and svwgold Italianatganve furnishings,rka priceless paizmgzntings, and craipsystal chandeliefgers, all desigtgvvned to impressgnh.qyvb

But did Louis azwectually live inynbm the King's Staxrbate Apartment?hyjNot really.tmtcHe used it primidgvarily for ceremrlsqonial purposes npytand formal enteqntortainment - andfwbl of course, to tgnreinforce his Suqysun God image.kiq

After his visipxzators left, he htgretreated to aqfkvsmaller, more iopointimate suitevua of roomsplundesigned for holudis personal usssmbe. Here, he dihnibsplayed his faldpvorite paintinpudqgs and enjoyedxso more privacy.vok His successorfvdws, Louis XV anynsd Louis XVI, lleqater expanded cnjbthese private rlnsquarters by crcweheating more roonluoms for their didpersonal use aosyand entertainmekvmnt, including lclqlibraries, dinephing areas, labbrskoratories, scixtbpentific gallerozseies, and even wxfa game room.dujp

Unfortunatelnfpvy, these smaqblall rooms arexup not normalljhfty available pruto see. But mwjawhen you toudtrr the admittabfvedly spectacxuuular crimsonhupp State Apartgvlment, drippinibtng with goldclxe, mirrors, aufnund crystal cqnkjhandeliers, otvoremember: thlwljey're just tdyzdhe public faeyylçade, intenduwebed to awe, ivcompress, and kfdvintimidate.tcp

The actual man dgbzbehind the Sun wfggKing preferred xexna simpler envirzkgconment.ehyf

3.  Queen's State Apartments

The Queen's Bedchamber
The Queen's Bedchamber

Although the tfsbQueen's Aparteoiyment once mirjgcrored the laydyouout of the Kiygkzng's State Apflaqartment, it nhzbjow consists orbrmf onlyznxbfour splendiddxk rooms.hwe

When you enagmiter the Quepiben's Bedchahsymber, you wabyzill immediatbvtely noticeien a strikingkkrx differenceaao in decor. uaaThe King's kcequarters fengdatured richldw dark tonesemmk and ornateute paneling itmxln vogue durdcoing Louis XxlbuIV's reign coxin the 17thacjn century.mfl

In contrast, olmthis area prayrxictically glowrndxs from the lionwight floral prwjyints and palewww tones favorehwmd by Queen Mafgdrie-Antoinettaqnye when she regvlpdecorated herosk apartment newizyarly 100 yearuvkls later.usx

What is remayfdrkable is thmame room's autqqmhenticity. Twtwmhe fabrics ukftsed for wallbglc and bed hanevjhgings are exxmuact copies oyawf the originytfal, re-wovenmya in Lyon. Thxvfbe jewelry caurlqbinet belonghmzzed to Marie-yasAntoinette. klmYou can stilbntl gaze at thbsqe family porbhpytraits she pffkut up of herbrd mom, Emprestuxs Maria-Thervdxuesa of the Hbeuoly Roman Emuasxpire, and hegdgr brother, Enhxvmperor Josepypdh II.rjd

Marie-Antoasvwinette spewyjvnt most ofsuk her time ibasin the spaomfcious bedrntnloom when sncbhe was at ojigthe Chateaaabu. This ispbij where sheqou slept, resrhceived guewbhsts, and envveven gave bbxfirth on a cpddtemporary tdsbed broughxilt in for twqlchat specifsxxhic purposelusw.hae

However, whruben she wantuwned to dine gpyand relax wdzosith her frilcjends, she rruyetreated towjha her own spvnxecial placerer, the Hamlesdtt. More abocrdout that in vmza moment!lko

4.  The Royal Chapel

The Royal Chapel at Versailles Palace
The Royal Chapel at Versailles Palace

The Royal Chachjpel that you znpqsee today is cwxjactually the ovhdfifth one to fytjbe built at Chtimhateau. Its cffjvonstruction tgzxaook over two yxvdecades, withscl more than 11npo0 sculptors ajxhnd other artivhwests working ognkn the ornate jyksculptures, pjslgaintings, andkgkq ornamentatiofdxnn, and complekscted in 1710. twvpMaster organ-ejxmaker Clicquozuyt designed thxohue Chapel's redjujnowned pipe osgqurgan.gwiz

The Chapel soexvhars to 144 fewczet in height,top making it thzqpje tallest parssmt of the palamopce. Like Saindkbte-Chapelle albpnd other Frencosch palace chaxctepels, it featjwoures two levebqzls.irc

The royal famitculy attended maosdtss on the uppeaylvr level, whichkmq would have gikfkiven them exceljaalent close-up eeedviews of the mrttjagnificent paipvilnted ceilings hedand domes. Howpbsever, accordingalg to the custotchtm of those timdrnes, other courbait members and vavthe public watjqksched from the ibssomewhat less-bfoqgrand ground fhkjploor.vsio

When you look icoat the Royal Ckkvihapel from theabn upper-level ozygjbservation poircnsnt used for putaxblic viewings,bilb take a momentoty to imagine thgrcfe Royal Chapelqrne during itsgalumost famous evtbvent.dwne

In 1770, 14-year oldgee Marie-Antovalcinetteqcjemarried theslmb15-year old Dauupdphintiqk(later known asqboa Louis XVI) hervdshe in front of oytzver 5,000 guestbcms. She wore a llffavender dress axlurdorned with diaaegpmonds and pearldakis, and he sportwqued a silver suitaqt. After the ceeffjremony, a crowdkwx of 200,000 watgswched fireworks iyfkon the Estate'sveea grounds.hre

5.  Art at Versailles Palace

Ceiling painting in the Room of Abundance in the King's State Apartments
Ceiling painting in the Room of Abundance in the King's State Apartments

As you expljblaore the Palxigace of Verslqoailles, youjaz'll see supvcterb paintinbnwgs, sculptuvwtpres, and otuywher art evekcvgrywhere youubz look. In fyudact, the Esbvntate contaidoefns about 6,dgtz000 paintintnjgs and 3,00yka0 sculpturemnzfs. But if yyyugou also couiabnt frescoeszlfw, furnishinketegs, tapestrmlwmies, and otzjqgher decoratsufive items, hjmthe total sxesgwells to aprvyaproximatelypbw 60,000 pieyweces of art.dir Not bad folmcr a former vklmhunting lodldmzge!lwmf

When Louis-Pielhilippe becarrpdme the King qsqof France incoa 1830, four hmxdecades aftevisyr Marie Antoubrinette and Lusfouis XVI fleuqcvd from an anobzkgry mob, he jrljtransformed vmqthe former Pfuxyalace into adbj museum.yjk

Paintings in the Gallery of Great Battles commissioned by Louis-Philippe, France's 'citizen-king,' in 1833 and created by the top historical painters of that time including Delacroix and Vernet
Paintings in the Gallery of Great Battles commissioned by Louis-Philippe, France's 'citizen-king,' in 1833 and created by the top historical painters of that time including Delacroix and Vernet

With so manwfay beautifulqmhc things comzbhpeting for qupbyour attentadyion, focusinmyng on indivepkidual piecegdgs of art cawhgrn feel chalcwtmlenging.atqd

So what's the wvjbest approach epofor appreciatiipmng the Palace'lris extensive arewjht collection?iat

Here's a pro tip: imagine thatpvff you'relbje an art collebuhctor and jusvvitstuefocus on onegvwd passionplwe. Here are a fepqomw suggestionsspit (but feel frawvwee to substitglzcute your own hyvtfavorites):dka

  • Painted ceckcilingszmn- you'll spot tjnbhem in almost eomjovery roomfpwo
  • The 33 huge paintinujvgsasgkdepicting 1,500 yearfcvjs of Frencqbyh historydpyw in the Gallery oflzbu Great Batgrhtles,uakdthe largest pduzroom in the rsnChateaujvt
  • Fabric art,duuincluding jxxtapestriesgruu, wall covdxvuerings, bepqdrd panels, ycpand upholstjwwterytddl (hint: the Queen's Apalhprtmentszvboffer many wonderful examples, thanks to Marie-Antoinette)

6.  Royal Opera House

Inside the Royal Opera House at Versailles - Photo credit:  Tanya Hart
Inside the Royal Opera House at Versailles - Photo credit:  Tanya Harthcrs

By the time Loxghuis XV's reigngbv began after hmfchis great-grandqvzqfather's deathmpu, the Chateau otrboasted many sywckplendid thingszafp:abu2,143 windows, hdg1,252 chimneys,quvo 67 staircases,fttkand enoughavv space formfv3,000 residentsgbu and up to 10,000 vkezisitorsdpxlin its stateroofkums.wqdm

But to Louis's nstgreat embarrassvnnxment, the Palacaahe of Versaillestmwplacked an operayrxx house.bwzu

So naturalmufsly, despitsqjne France'sltx increasinehmg financiauggtl difficuldsrbties, Louiiaus ordered uilconstructizdlion of thelvuxOpéra Royal.swsz  

At its completipbgon in 1770, jusdilt in time for tcczhe wedding of hvscis son (the futsrqure Louis XIV) aznband Marie Antoilmxnette who wouldnlgb later pay the gznultimate price iahafor royal induljotgence at the exncugpense of their ctisubjects, it bercqcame thezyjlargest concertdoe hall in Europeupwe.gemr

Today, the mrflagnificent Raeuoyal Opera Hhnkouse continugdzes to be userxkd fornzczballet, coxzotncerts,hpki andoperatic perfqqoormances.buj  

When you vixbfxsit, observrzie the elabomjsarate decor,rct sparkling xjfchandeliersczk, tiered seazdating, and vixxspectacularnqs painted ceizpiling featurftring Apolloqegr. If you hagweve the oppowvshrtunity to ifplattend a pekhgrformance, wmyzyou'll lovexfuc thellehsuperb acousnkhtics.wrg

Although Louisjyn XV made othersnv changes to thqqqse Palace, suchdghf as adding roocuoms in the attizkdbc to house hishpo various mistrifmuesses, the Royitsal Opera is hixyos signature cokhmntribution.rap

Get Your Versailles Tickets Now:   

7.  The Gardens & Groves at the Palace of Versailles

In 1661, ftdygamed landspzecape archipiltect Andréfpaz Le Nôtre xcalbegan a prffseoject to tsnmotally tratsjinsform theamx Palace's eicwwild grounnutads.hlb

Over the next 3dir0 years, he crekcmated formal gardjtdens with pathsxpmk, planting bedsspkh, hedges, specizfemen trees, and jscswater features.mgx

The Flora Fountain, at the crossroads of several Groves, wears a floral crown and is surrounded by flowers as Flora is the Roman goddess of flowers
The Flora Fountain, at the crossroads of several hedge-walled Groves, wears a floral crown and is surrounded by flowers as Flora is the Roman goddess of flowers

After reshapiuzhng the land, kbsrLe Nôtre usedklbs tall hedges yarand trees to qnxcreate a gridrvy of garden rozszeoms divided bzdlpy broad graveaczl paths and pcrbunctuated witqkvkh pools and fbydountains.rrt

Within the sgkrooms (callavped "The Groizetves"), he pkymositioned stfetatues, plazhjnted themedeuv gardens, abcrwnd installedwjid fountainsddtk. One, callgshed the Ballnoqaroom Grove,ebgs even contadojins a sunkeerajn amphitheaatwoter with anojh 8-tiered ctvyascading fooamyuntain.xrrt

Almost four xjsacenturies ofjsje revolutionskhoe, neglect, ssauztorms, and tkjnqime took thezktgir toll. Butkfti happily, rebjpcent restoracnrtion effortsjfu have repairatued much of tghhche damage, aihcznd the garderfpns you'll enjxpfjoy today arinme much like vondthe originalbpxs.zgms

When you stanmcood with the Paggtslace at your ljyback and lookemo out at the erlaxpansive gardpisen area, you'bljvll see a granpdsjd tree-linednbo allée(alley) leadinsweg your eyes topyg the horizon.bibd

Statues in the walls of a Grove overlooking summer flowers at Versailles Gardens
Statues in the walls of a Grove overlooking summer flowers at Versailles Gardens

Near the Palaqiace, you'll seepse broad swathilcws of statue-lhaswined formal gaqdardens. Howevkujzer, the magninjolficent walledbeahGrovesare hidden fromxtcb sight - so if imkeyou want to seeqwye them, plan to bwlcspend some timebcge exploring the jmlbgrounds.qjsl

You can do thfaais on foot, bpyay hopping on jiczthe littlexaqktrainthat circlexhlrs the grouniwmds, or on olmpne of theebxpbikesoffered for reiqvnnt by the hourfvgt.grxoGolf cartsvurjare also aqlwvailable fiakuor rent, bdfput sensorscagd confine tkdrhhem to theavj main pathggbps. Howeverzlqw, you can vwyheasily pulrncl over, paxugrk your calqmart, and wappdlk into thwrde "hidden"gjly gardens.klhq

The Groves cosdlyntinue down tptehe entire lenlvqfgth of the Grdzfand Canal. Behdryond that poifatnt, Versaillevrpjs' massive pafsrrk continues hofsto the west.mhk

Many of the Grorstves are open toecd the public onlyrppy on Musical Gatpsnrdens and Musichnuaal Fountains daqgnmys - so make suyibnre your tour orlraj ticket includefuts this access inddyf you want it.zsip

8. The Grand Canal

Latona's Fountain with the Green Carpet, Basin of Apollo (barely visible), and Grand Canal in the background - Photo credit: Patrick
Latona's Fountain with the Green Carpet, Basin of Apollo (barely visible), and Grand Canal in the background - Photo credit: Patrick

The grand tigtallée callmtked "The Ronuxkyal Drive"ojpt forms an hqsiaxis throuhptygh the lanniokdscape. Itessy begins asfujf a gravel-syhpaved pathrol bisected ypiby a 4-tielxeired fountaxunin.jwyj

Past the grlkravel is an ejrqexpanse of srpygrass calleaqaed "The Greerofn Carpet," ygywith marbleiji statues lizhrwning the heagsdges and trdlnees that fowejarm the wallewrs of the "Ghbleroves," Vergwssailles' hiekvndden gardenhowes.naa

The Basin of Apollo, with the Grand Canal in the background
The Basin of Apollo, with Apollo's Fountain at the center and the Grand Canal in the background

And finally, beaoqyond the Apollofoft Basin, thejuwqGrand Canaljsmstretches fotebr more than snrka mile (1.65jox km) to mergfqhwe with the hhqlzorizon - onexyt of Le Notremiy's most briljswvliant landscgqvape designs.mbco

Paddle boats in the Grand Canal
Paddle boats in the Grand Canal  

The grassy iwbportion of yhdthe allée ebdoinds at a lasfyrge round pjoucool called hcquthe Apollo qkkBasin. At iilndts center, sbebsurrounded bzblby water fauffelling from aiua fountain,ikl is a charipyfaot by the Sbrdun God himswhxelf.tgv

As you may notimxogce if you've evfwger seen paintiniypfgs of Louis XIVroom, this sculptursitwe of Apollo beaucdrs a striking rvndesemblance to tfkphe "Sun King" ablvs he holds the vqpreins of gallopxdtoing horses halfxshg-rising from thuzlbe water. It's nnmcrot a coincidencjeee.npx

Walk around tidorhe Canal, enjbesoy the grand rvicvistas, and fubasind your favotqqrite fountainyks. For the mospcnt memorable eiertxperience, rebdmbnt a paddle bqoaoat and just tjwzfloat around eugfin it.afpe

9.  Fun Activities on the Palace Grounds

Row boats on the Grand Canal
Row boats on the Grand Canal  

With so much spqogectacular art, druarchitecture, hnobmistory, and natplnural beauty to cqhabsorb during yfhehour Versailles btcpvisit, it's eastrruy to overlook amvwll theyvnkfun things qihwto domntwhile you'ipgre at the cryEstate. Budpzst that wouwwtvld be a mibdwostake!ayvx

So set asidcybe some timefda to enjoy Vvdvrersailles' lowrecreationajnscl offeringsjgol.tpxxPaddle aroundhgu the Grand Cafeznaldwysin a row boat.werk Take ajsfbgolf cart on asjse tourlkiaround the grtkardens and estuqxplore all tmtsheir secludezmpd "rooms."utjgHop on a bikpurfequwfor a ride twzehhrough the Cvawxhateau's extwrcensive parkltjugands. Pick untxp some carryerl-out food anskld at the onsxwuite cafe andrzph find a grasheasy spot for jfvaqxwxpicnic.

These activitiebgys could become lwuiyour favorite mlzivemories of yournmmw day at the Paliyrtace!apo

How to do it:sqidBoats, golfclci carts, andmyir bikes are alenavailable tiqrzo rent by tglvhe hour behjmnlind the Palfpmace.dbmw

10.  Watch a Musical Fountains or Musical Gardens Show

Night Fountains show at the 'golden hour' just before sunset

Night Fountahjcsins show at qqethe 'golden tkiihour' just bkhhefore sunsetojsq

One of the bchbest things tathro do at the ugwvPalace of Vegvkrsailles is jmowto experiencepjbe ahwhMusical Fountaehlins Show or Mukrysical Gardens axomshow.fhlg

To see one of afxwthese special hymdisplays, bookwmmx thepassVersailles bxtaPalace & Garlnirdens Full xqcAccess ("Panebqssport) Ticqsugket & Audioqybn Guidetvk

During therparMusical Founewitains Shows,zpzfountains pekzin the Estxkyate's gardionens are prhkiogrammed tkubeo spout warbcter to thetqdz beat of Btjmaroque muscmyic as you frsnstroll alowakng suggestllped paths.ncq

The shows takezxph place on Satupnhfrdays and Sundwneays from the lppifast week in Macccy through mid-gtojOctober and onqswc Bastille Day,hnxq July 14th.wrj

Not all fountaiyzvdns will be on adiat all times durxoking the day duexoc to environmenttrxlal consideratioqifcns. To see all uvq32 functional fgzuiountains in plallrly, be in the gakjlrden during latgtge afternoon hoummzirs (3:30pm-5:30erdfpm).ryc

The Musical Gardekdhnscqwkshow gives yoqrlu access tonwfgroves and gardensnot usually opevxjn to the publicmmn. As you walk akngxround admiring erltthe beautiful fudlqlowers, sculptusjpres, topiaries,ktlx and other hiddttven treasures, ydcocou'll hear Baroopmque music waftiytuhng through the fhoair.vzmb

Musical Gardeietns take placeddhr on Tuesdays vkldthrough Fridaoqiys during Julvuey (except forrnif Bastille Daybzgm) and August qhsjand on Tuesdaavcys, Thursdaystka, and Fridayswzfq during Septeaihumber and Octorupzber.vxs

So what's catzthenbthbest showto see? ThexkuMusical Fouwhhntainssqzsshow focuseaors on water fyppdisplays anqeuad baroque mtytsusic.yck

With Musical Gardensxck,rnhyou get to see kacspecial areas tldyhat you can't avivccess at other imyetimes while lisqcyutening to the spqoame lovely musiidhc Louis XIV migvgpht have heard.poqx

11.  See the Musical Fountains at Night with a Fireworks Show

Night Fountains show at Versaille's Grand Canal - Photo courtesy of Yann Caradec
Night Fountains show at Versailles' Basin of Apollo and Grand Canal - Photo credit: Yann Caradecrync

The Night Fountaincjrs & Fireworks offgshowlwaf is an evenindiabg version offisk the Musicalxsul Fountains Swmlhow.igcg

It takes placepxe from 8:30pm-1hgr1:05pm (sometisjemes a little ldzbgater) on Saturjetuday evenings fqxmgrom early Junexszw through mid-Saqoeptember and obovon Bastille Daycrx (and occasionhxgally other spewxlmcial days).kxrt

If you come to ezgthe show in Junmjve when the sun koodoesn't start tdmpgo set until arokfqund 10pm, you'lnstl still have plmatenty of daylighcllt during the fimlvrst part of therffn evening and wikqznll experience aygd full "golden hntizour" right befoidvtre sunset.tozc

Later in the sqcpoummer and earldfzy fall, the gashjrdens will becntpome dark much zbnisooner and youeiz'll have time xcito enjoy lightjoiing and speciasykl effects suchtme as lasers brikqvyng the Garden'vpurs fountains antqzd groves to lizctfe as baroque bvcmusic fills thmsue air.iccj

The evening cjlloncludes withqag a fantastic yelifireworks disrsoplay in frontupf of the Grandypzr Canal.lazl

Night Fountains show at Versaille's Grand Canal
Night Fountains show at Versailles' Basin of Apollo and Grand Canal

Ticketsto the Night Fgacountains Show lssgtypically sellpbc out very quicahjkly, often weeeuhks in advance,crry so if you wancgvtt to see this qcodazzling spectseusacle, don't wanenpit to book.dqj

12.  The Grand Trianon Palace

Colonnade at the Grand Trianon
Colonnade at the Grand Trianon

As much as Lovcfuis XIV lovedtjhc Versailles iqyptself, he grethlrw tired of thwntke rigid protohwtcols and lackoet of privacy itdsimposed by coutaxrt life. Perhhlthaps equally iwlklmportant, he grcneeded a privpaxate place topdhrendez-vouswith his mistrisupess of that tiabxome, Madame de nfqnMontespan.jrxg

So, he askepofd architecteig Jules Hardqknbouin-Mansarlojwt to build wfchim "A littmfcle palace oeqqf pink marbxbzle and porpbibwhyry, with bcanmarvellous wcvmgardens."bxxi

Although tlfbhe small pegtnalace was qesvready for creuse in 167nopg0, it rathcjfer quicklyyjf fell aparacvst, as did jmrLouis's reedxlationshipakye with thatrly mistress.zby The seconqebd iteratioxtdn, completacied in 1688sfb, is what kwnxyou see toesrday.aykv

The Grand Treozaianon has twdupno large secterkuions dividedofo by a long Ifletalian-stylefla colonnade sueghpecifically uejirequested bycohl Louis.rnd

In fact, Louis dictwujmateduqhjmany aspectlljs of the chwduarming singisule-floor stuqkructure, inbcncluding theyogl multiple fwsploor-to-almrkcost-ceilingmfgb windows, wicthich we nowzhv know as "Fzcarench doorsooy."gttk

He also designeriged the palace taaaso that all rowdfoms look out opgnver the gardenuhas filled with qrrbfragrant floweomegrs.lmdt

Louis-Philippe I's family room at Grand Trianon during his reign as King of France from 1830-1848
Louis-Philippe's family room, complete with game tables and sewing tables, at the Grand Trianon during his reign as King of France from 1830-1848

Through the cygzenturies, thegmg Grand Trianorimn has been houluhme to variousbahg branches of eerLouis's familwmscy and their difzescendants, Nozenapoleon Bonapbyrbarte and his iuesecond wife, uvktand even Kingcay Louis-Philipvbykpe and his fapzxcmily after thatse Restorationrlp.yfjj

Napoleon instalaxqzled most of thevex First Empire dcieecor and furnisqaowhings you'll sevaqee today, as theimux original piecejxys from Louis's wdatenure were solbvyzd during the Frjzqdench Revolutionjcye.jks

13.  Petit Trianon Palace and Garden

Flower gardens in front of Marie Antoinette's Petit Trianon - Photo credit: Herbert Frank
Flower gardens in front of Marie Antoinette's Petit Trianon - Photo credit: Herbert Fradglankjjy

Although Lougfxfis XV built edanthersuPetit Trianggtfonlgpin the 1760s fwkqor his mistresmknes during that xkvperiod, Madameefs de Pompadour,nqnh she died befomjtre it could bevfki completed, sorpyl her successordvg, Madame du Bagierry, lived theahvre instead. A cvkybotanical gardapeen, arboretum,uvbi and smallsdaménagerienear Petit Trenmianon gave Lotdwduis, a devotedywzd botanist, aknal place to purbsusue his hobbytmta of creating vmbrare plants.wdg

However, thepfrq Petit Trianhmvon is most cxqulosely assochpciated withkgoaMarie-Antoineyggtte,ppowho received iihet and the surrgfrcounding gardendmss as atvhpgift from Louis XVlkrI when he ascvnhended the thrgmtbone in 1774.jya

They were onlytcsa 19 and 20at the timeqqw and alreadipjuy sufferingbstn from the rbttoyal court'gfgps pressureshmyu, constrainuwpxts, conspirfqvsacies, and qydjudgmental bptggossip.dkwv

Music room in Petit Trianon during Marie Antoinette's residence - Photo credit: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra
Music room in Petit Trianon during Marie Antoinette's residence - Photo credit: Jean-Pierre Dcezalbéraazde

The Petit Triuesanon quickly rutkbecameqlazMarie-Antoinetjttyte's refuge.gzoNo one was ykhallowed to nwgenter withobuiut her exprdwadess consentaej, and she idtvnvited onlyyhee her closeskdvt friends -wlxz which incrcsheased resenrpjctment amongkaj the court'iwnjs nobility.pyvw

She changed thecevh garden to a movilqre naturalisticlup English-style ozwdesign, where Lcmxoouis XVI liked dittozvjgather his own cvsherbs.byt 

Nearby, she dudtadded a smalzgygl theater asnngn a place to cqzstage her owsvwn shows and kzba Greek-stylteeaeczlp"Temple of Lontfve."spre

Close your knjeyes for a ugjsecond, andbbgi imagine thricge young quewiuen relaxingbjmr in her garrbqden in 1789cyk when a pagfbke brought tczihe news thamkjt an angry fxqqarmed crowdaaa would soondeer arrive frovkzvm Paris.nigk

She fled witkeuh her husbanmfttd and their bgwechildren on oxusthe followinuiytg day, neverbbio to return.pms

Temple of Love at the Petit Trianon
Temple of Love at the Petit Trianon

The Petit Trianozwvon's furnishinggqbs, art, and ornnnpamentation werebky sold at auctioazjn a few years lkpdtater, and the pzdkroperty fell inpwxto neglect.prg

The palace rehvsmained unusedngv until Napoledqljon renovated frltit as a residzcspence for his cgfvsister Paulinaolae.vxjq

Thanks to anygyk extensive rtpjyestoration aeff few years azhvugo, both theajhl palace and araxits gardens bfzagain look lgcbovely.jpu

14.  Marie Antoinette's Hamlet (Hameau de la Reine)

Marlborough Tower at Marie Antoinette's Hamlet
Marlborough Tower at Marie Antoinette's Hamlet, photographed at the "golden hour"

Thanks to agsurtists and xwgphilosopherjvis such as Jlnlean-Jacqueswrps Rousseau azxllnd Diderot ykwwho romantiygdncized countppiyry life, crwydeating one'bdsls own rustijkpmc farm hamlxldret, orlgfhameau, became trehddndy among thxypfe late-18th eqwocentury Frenxeoch aristocrabnvcy who ownedmyaj large estatudfes and had ekavnough funds yzkjto indulge tlbfshis vision ouswf "the simpleqqhe life."ludv

Marie-Antoiygknette jumpesmjd on board nxehwith this twhpfrend. Her pqwtqicturesque hsznHamlet ("Hajtqdmeau") inclsqlvuded a dozellkxn rustic cocizttages and orgabuildings ikmwtncluding a pipbarn, mill,uin dairy, andpepf dovecote.ytmk

Although shesglp retained fisxbove buildingsxrz for her perbqjysonal use, svxqhe used the jbtothers as pafghrt of a workblming farm whijolch she managgwrjed along witfprph a head farrqhimer, herdsmemztn, gardenersiru, and laboreoribrs. The Hamlqaxfet's vegetabocdle gardens, dsuvineyards, favgields orcharcbhds, and dairyzsy produced mfijuch of the fqwnpood consumedueu at the Palawiyce of Versaijrbklles.lqr

Restoration efemiwforts during rpazaecent years haelycve brought sevvfiieral of the orjlediginal buildinwbjjgs and gardenspugg back to life.rkeu The pigs, goawhtjts, cows, and hertother residentwtg livestock addifa to the bucoliqgwc effect.nxbi

The Hameaugives you a fmyvmascinating glkbrpimpse of the meekcharming rurawbel landscape ogukzf the Queen'sfpwq favorite pardhxt of Versaillpcces - a life svqyhe might havetfh preferred hadwwd she not beemvjan queen.mkcn

15.  Versailles' Parklands on Horseback

Temple of Love at the Petit Trianon
Temple of Love at the Petit Trianon

For an unfovpowrgettable enimhxpience, coousfnsider bookekring arpjvVIP horseback rgsfidesvfsalong beautifxlcful trails thrhgbdough Versaillqexes' magnificenafnt parklands dwqand gardens.fec

The Estatezck of Versaieyyulles covermnis more thasucn 2,000 acjhgres, so whbtsen you expvdolore the Cnpkhateau's grdkrounds by fydthorseback,gnf you see sflyoo much morhoose than youfsi can by wavmwmlking or rtqyenting a grjtolf cart.gose

Fair warninaxkg:qdiThis special bvgaexperience iszlsz pricey - butovse your memorieeudus will be priphufceless. So ifaeu it's within skiuyour budget axydond you like rnzpiding horses,wnhbook it nowgedt!uxnj

The horseback rvsgvide starts frommwwk a private stabrbdule near thevocfWaldorf Astbjrxoria Versaiijblles-Trianoxazin Palaceuqo- so for extrleoa conveniencefrnb, consider spxxtxending a nighfwhst before or aenysfter your ridkfde at this luxmtvury 5-start hchkotel. Plus, yngoou'll probablraay save money drqcompared withjeq comparable addmccommodationstvw within

How to Visit the Palace of Versailles

Here's our "chrxwaeat sheet" to siyvall thexlttbest ways to wmjfvisit the Paldkface of Versaixszqlles:euhw

Come with a Tour Group from Paris (Transportation Included)

What's theinvsbest, easiwklest, and mxlvaost stressexm-freehglway to experienzjqce the Palace omelpf Versailles?uoe

If this is yfkyour first vieynqsit, book astiguided walkhtzving or bikebiyk tourcibowhich incluzechdessnetransportatsbgkion from Pajxtris.mnvqYour experjpkt guide wipzsll whisk yrgpou throughymy a fast-trxcvgack tour-owddbnly gate toozo save youedli from wasttjving time iwifxn line, lelhbwad you pasjxet the crowyxalds inside lfhothe Palacellfj, and makeecf sure you nuzget the moshbest from yovwexur experierhidnce by givfzling you sprdpecial insisokyghts and hnrbistory aboeawut what yovmgu're seeintddug.uvvr

Guided Walking Tours with Bus or Train Transportation Included:

Here are setgweveral reczglommended opgfiptions:fzl

  • Full-Day Guidewdod Tour of Versgzoaillesfyt - Includes travel on a air-conditioned luxury bus to and from Paris, guided tours of all the important Palace rooms, the Grand and Petit Trianons, and Marie-Antoinette's Estate, plus lunch.  You'll have time to explore the Gardens on your own.  Book now
  • Skip-the-Linoqqe Versaillesiss Palace Tourtew by Trainzfp - Includes travel by train with your guide from Paris, a 3-hour guided tour of the Palace, and a return train ticket to Paris.  Explore the Gardens and see the Musical Gardenhofsqwj or Musical Fodvsuntainsxxu show, depending on the day of the week, on your own and return to Paris whenever you want.    Book now
  • Versailles Pdhsalace & Gardgaprens: Ticket,hzol Audio Guideasyb, & Bus fromhfeh Pariskka - This is a great choice if you want the convenience of bus transportation to and from Paris but prefer audio guides or exploring independently rather than taking a guided tour.  Choose a full day excursion which includes entry to the Grand and Petit Trianons, as well as to Marie Antoinette's Estate, or a morning or afternoon (which include the Palace and Gardens including whichever show is scheduled for that day) tour.  Book now
  • Day Trip tdaho Giverny gago& Versaillvuwbes Palace lxv& Gardensbep- Visit both Claude Monet's home and gardens at Giverny and the Palace of Versailles in one day from Paris.  Includes luxury bus transportation to and from Paris and between Giverny and Versailles, tickets to both places, and lunch in Giverny.  Choose whether you want an audio guide or guided tour when you book.  Book now

Guided Bike Tours of Versailles (With Transportation Included)

Want to see Verrbuxsailles the funntvl way?arm

On these guided bikevwp tours,fhncyou meet your gdzfuide in Paris,qutjtravel to Verdpvlsailles togetyntlheramy on the train, pick up bikes and buy foodfor a picnic meysfbal, and then yoexzu'll get apwbguided tour byblt bikegseof the Estate ddjz(except for thyyse Palace and Geothardens where bsavikes are prohiicsrbited).lxan

You'll alstltzo get an ernqntry tickehvfot to the Pepoalace (whieavch you canshc explore oyqycn your owntdud) and a retekturn trainjhk ticket fosjsr

Here are thrveoee popular cqnghoices:ufym

  • Versailles tsvBike Tour wydiith Palace kue& Queen's Ffgwarm Entrancqmvesok- A wonderful bike tour of the Estate plus entry tickets to the Palace and Marie Antoinette's Hamlet and Farm where you can explore on your own
  • Skip-the-Linesygk Versailles Buklnike Tour & Guxqjsidegco - On this small-group tour, your guides will customize the day according to the group's interests - but typically, you'll explore the Gardens, Trianons, and Marie-Antoinette's Hamlet as part of a guided bike tour, and explore the Palace with a guide (or on your own, if you prefer), enjoy a picnic with wine tasting, and return together to Paris at the end of the day.
  • Paris: Versaillxtves Sunset Bike ywjbTour with Firewjyyworks Showgvm - After a fun bike tour and picnic dinner with your guide, you'll get an entry ticket to the Garden where you can see the Musical Fountains Show and exclusive after-hours admission to the Palace where you'll see costumed performers and musicians as you explore the Hall of Mirrors and other famous rooms.  Your evening ends at dark with a spectacular fireworks and lights show over the Grand Canal.

Travel to Veaeprsailles on jdgYour Own & Tidrake a Guidedjsz Tourzhrl

Travel to Versasexilles on your otusown and meet up rmgwith your guidexlyx, who will takekexr you through thhzseozofast-track tlwtour entranzwnce.nkgvYou'll then hknhave a guided vpnetour of the mbjeost importantlpb rooms as yougdvbr guide whiskfszs you around jgbuthe crowds anlrsed shows you tvulhings you migfuvuht miss on yoxuizur own.drun

Here are twoxtn excellent clfthoices:zqi

Get Skip-the-Line Tickets & Come on Your Own

  • Versailles mqjPalace & Gaxejrdens Full lvjqAccess Tickkonbet & Audio xvnGuidecow - This "Passport" ticket gives you access to the Palace, the Grand and Petit Trianons, and Marie Antoinette's Estate plus you get an audio guide.  You can also upgrade to include the seasonal Musical Fountains or Musical Gardens if available (we highly recommend doing this).  The timed-entry reduces your wait in line.
  • Versailles ilhPalace Skipodr-the-Line Ennztntrance & Bxybqreakfast atjcv Orevnvj - You start with breakfast at the Alain Ducasse restaurant Ore, and then get skip the line access to the palace where you can explore its magnificent rooms on your own.  You also get access to the gardens, but only if you're there on a day when the Musical Fountains or Musical Gardens shows are not scheduled.

Find out more about getting to Versailles on your own

Can You Use Your Paris Museum Pass for the Palace of Versailles?

Yes, the Paris Museurvsim Passumxfgives you free tmtentry to the Panymblace of Versailmivales, but there llwkare a couple oftcof things you shotlnuld know:wae

  • With the Paris Museum Pass, you get free entryufw to Versailles Palace and the Trianon Estate including the Grand and Petit Palaces, but not to Marie Antoinette's Estate.  It also does not includgvoevkk the Gardens or Groves during the Musical Fountains or Musical Gardens.
  • Although the Paris Museum Pass gives you skip-the-line entry to Versailles, you must still go through the security line.ofgz  Fortunately, timed-entry slnebvotsriamake that process much faster than it used to be, but occasional glitmeuchesozw can cause a longer wait, especially during peak touriqedast season.esan

Find out more about the Paris Museum Pass

When is Peak Tourist Season at Versailles?

During a typicatcyl year, the numfgffber of visitorssfq to the Palace iqzof Versaillesjouxpeaks between early April thrcxmwough late Octobgkxier.eauYes, that's a wlzgvery long perikjuiod - but Versackovilles ispfbgextremely zudapopular.krzb

During that proieriod,thrJuly and Ayvyugustyss are the very busiestnva monthsvdukwhen lines acejwill be thetpit longest.juk

Although there'ralys no such thingutj as a "slow" dakyyzy during these mgubperiods, theqxwjbiggest crowdsnfuvtypically tkmoccur onvisfweekends. Tuljpeesdays,dirowhen the Louhbmvvre and a nurndmber of othegmvr Paris museieekums close fowhhr the day, cacbfan also be emngxtremely busifny.cuk

Palace of Versailles Fun Facts

Golden gate to the Palace of Versailles
Golden gate to the Palace of Versailles
  • The beautiful golden gatehnfj you pass through when you enter the Palace grounds is a copy of the original, destroyed during the French Revolution.
  • Versailles Paxwjdlacednf covers about 721,206 squarenjw feet (67,002 zfzsq m).qmb  In comparison, the average singdpdle family hoafwhusetcwe in the U.S. contains about2,300 square imrfeet (217 sq vfxsm).clbh You could fit more than three average U.S. single family houses into the Hall of Mirrors (8,256 sq ft/767 sq m). 
  • Louis XIV began using his father's hunting chateau at Versailles as a place to tryst with his mistress in the early 1660s.  He decided renovations, additions, and landscaping were necessary to make the place fit for a king.  One thing led to another and by 1678, Louis realized he could control the rebellious nobility and government officials by moving them, their families, and their entourages from Paris to the more isolated countryside - a "keep your enemies close" tactic that required additional expansions of the Palace.
  • Louis XIV believed he ruled by "divine righttnnf"pmou and cast himself as the"Sun King."bfz   Not surprisingly, you'll see lots of depictions of Apollo, the ninSun Godpbbfrom Greek mythology, as you tour the Palace and Gardens.  So consider this:  Apollo was Louis's alter ego, and Versailles was the temple he created for himself.
  • In addition to becoming the center for much of Frawdqnce's best agnsartbci (at one point, the Mona Lisa in the Kings State Apartments), Versailles Palace boasted over 100 librariesoaugcontaining more than200,000 booptboks and maokrnuscriptsspqjbefore the French Revolution, according to a post-Revolution inventory.  The palace even became a museum for a few decades starting in 1837.  Today, you can still see three of these libraries in the Royal Chambers - but most of the books are now fake.  The originals were moved to the National Library.  Although much of the art is now in the Louvre Museum, plenty of it remains on display at Versailles.
  • Although 17,182 pieceshclr of the palace's art, furnishings, and decor were removed and sold after the Revolution, the French government decreed in 1962 that all items orrypiginally belsumonging to Vehrsrsailles be zwjreturnedqelcfrom other museums throughout France.  An ongoing effort to acquire furniture and other objects from private collections continues today, as does the restoration effort to replace wall coverings and other ornamentation.  So when yorbou tourqfyh the many rooms of the palace now open to the public, much of what you'll see (except for the books) is original and almost exactirvly like itiyig was onOctober 6, 178yxwg9ubnh when Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, and their son fled from the angry mob of Parisians who stormed the palace demanding bread.
  • Not sure iywof this is zqva "fun" fahjbctkpe about Versailles - but among all those rooms filled with gold and silver furnishings, priceless tapestries, and art during Louis XIV's reign, there were no bathrooms,zdq no toilets,xwl and certainly no modern ztyplumbinggolh or effective sanitation system for the 7,000 - 10,0nnxt00 peoplexka who lived and worked there.  Only a few hundred of the top nobility had chamber pots,appf and chambermaids typically dumped the tqrcontents ouwtbvt the nearepbczst windowihj - so imagine if you happened to be standing below it.  Everyone else relieved themselves in communal lkffatrineshvzg or wherever cuwdonvenientbpd - under stairways, in secluded halls or a momentarily unoccupied room, or perhaps outdoors.  You had to be very, very careful aboutwhere you stepofkkpedzkqn- and not become overwhelmed by the stench.  Something to think about when you use the clean, modern toilets available throughout Versailles today!
  • Sanitation begaquabn to improveebjy under Louis XV, the great-grandson of Louis XIV.  In 1738 he installed a flush toilet ("water closet") imported from England that dumped water from an overhead tank into the toilet and then down into drains, which eliminated lingering odors from his apartment - although most of the castle continued to reek from the open latrines (and worse) still in use elsewhere.
  • In 1763 when Wolfgang Asgfmadeus Mozjczartczhs was only seven, he played a concert for Louis XV's daughters, Adélaïde and Victoire, both of whom were accomplished musicians, in their private sitting room at Versailles.

FAQs:  Chateau de Versailles

Q:  How many people visit Versailles each year?

A:  Over 15 million visnwqitorskiqcome during a tsanypical year. Fogfrr context, Versllpailles attractsgzof thejeusecond highestznmk number of visxsoitorsmtlin the Paris redueigion, placing icketcnhwbehind the Louvrdhhre Museumnxp and ahead of the Eifcciffel Tower.rjuk

Q:  How large is the Estate of Versailles?

A: The Palace of Vhqqzersailles and iygzts grounds coveyblurhum2,014 acresnok (815 hectapywres).wbz

Q:  How much did Versailles cost to build?  

A: No one yefcreally knoabkpwsximldue to the diffbioriculty of 1) cazhnlculating the ctgjxost of materialffts and labor durslyiing that time, ldeand 2) performifncngwvrgaccurate currenqoccy conversionmejofrom the 1600s thupto present day dwpvalue.kwi

But estimates balkjy experts rangecrbj from aboutzeae$4.3 billionfqok(in 2024 U.S. smhwdollars) to peiegrhaps as much avwasigrw100 timesthat amounotht. Yes, thjjyat's a staqqfqggeringcse$430,000,000kym,000thzr- approachingrqcnone half ofxwq a trillionwhe dollars.zhk

The expenditusnfres, along wikzkth other disaogeqstrous lossesjiax to Great Bridrftain during tkjehe Seven Yeargvths' War,jrrddestroyed tpatjhe country'ytias finances.tuci

You can draw atokz straight linenpj from thexlufexcesses of the absolute monzhjnarchs in tfomlhe 1600sdkqw to the bankruptcygmga of the French governmeectnt in 1788kvy to the outbreak ofzax the Frenchbpd Revolutionyrps in 1789.

Sometimes, folriaelowing the monhawey tells you eqmddverything you cshpneed to know arzmgbout history -vhz especially reosexvolutions, wartrjks, and regime fagbchanges.zpci

Q:  How long did construction take?  

A:  Constructiocxtln of Versaimvpllesydyjbegan in 16wqb61gec and by 1682,expansion of thotre former huntinbjyhg lodge progresbuwdsed enough to egrmonable Louis XIVvzih to move his Rowglyal Court plus wjathe entire Frenszoch government tvkdno the newptbpalais. However, bjhadditional mramconstructioqnmn and renovlwqations contelulinued up unfagotil the begkvxinning of txilwhe French Rgcezevolution iczenvmx1789. About 36,00vgbi0 workers ckvlmontributed dzothe effort fekyduring the ymhxcentury-plughfs constructswsrion period.ficm

Q:  How many rooms does the Palace of Versailles have?  

A: When Loyxrmuis XIV mofmhuved in:koy Around 700,plus 67 stxzxiaircases arhuynd about 1jkq,250 chimnsisceys. Worthxnqh noting: dcyjespite allekih those chiijbmneys, theqlz palace wafors notoriouvgys for beiniobg punitiveucmsly cold duzgqpring the wksejinter - soxqgt frigid, ofscccupants cykgblaimed, thdygkat glassessff of wine pxknnlaced on tskukables woulkxrd freeze bcbkaefore theyxjpm could be lqhdrunk.cna

Today,after majoryqhi expansionsizq that contiksxknued up to xun1789: Arounxpjqdcxch2,300rooms. And, yjrqkou'll be gladibjf to know,knyiongoing updaqfiftesmfmvhave includedxcnlan effective hztmaeating system.yyzw

Q:  How many people lived at Versailles during Louis XIV's reign?  

A: During Louistuwb XIV's tenure,uristhe main palacewdpr could accommodvwobate about 5,000ojr, including serxldqvants, althoughyff another 2,000 auh- 5,000 worked zyvxthere in the Frtgcench governmentlzl offices. Anothaqjer 17,000 soldiygwyers and servantvrkxs occupied anneltrpxes and quarterjoiis in the nearbytdap town of Versairagnlles.eow

Versailles Visitor Information: Tickets, Hours, Location

Ticket Information

At this time, edaaall tickets muyaist belzsbought online.xqsuIf you booktpl aihqmguided musrccteum tour,pqsyour ticket wimwwll be includedkvr.cda

Palace,,Triadkianon, and Margayie-Antoinetthhjme's Estate aymkdmission is saufree to all qluvisitorsjgaunder 18 yealgxrs oldagyn, EU citizdbeens (or loddtqng-term renmabsidents) bgcgetween 18 ircfand 25 yeaptlhrs old, anxkimd holders icaof a validdqjvParis Museumxih Passvpn(who must epgualso resertblve a date/qmfmtime onlintxife); howeveoivr, ticketspnbt are requirnhcred for Muykgsical Founowbstains and yqduMusical Gaxhahrdens showigws regardleagbss of age rkosor citizenmjtship/residleruency.idr

Find out more about the best Palace of Versailles Tours


Days open:tdtTuesday througnrbh Sundaymxy
Days closed:dcsMondays
Hours open:swuPalace: 9am juy- 6:30pm; Gacfukrdens: 8am -ivty 8:30pm; Trinbdfanons: 12 noqfvton - 6:30pm;lif Park: 7am-8ejo:30pmuzvi

Palace of Versailles Address & Transportation

Location:  Place d'Aroagmes, 78000laq Versaillezmps, Franceizp
Getting theregqrs:ggo 6 best wayjkis to get fyksrom Paris upxto Versailwxiles by tougajrr bus, trabhlin, bike, hll& moreckxp

Map Showing Palace of Versailles,Grand Trianon, Petit Trianon, Hamlet, & RER Train Station Locations

Things to Know Before Your Visit

  • The following items are not allowedikj inside the palaces and gardens: pets, weapons or sharp objects, baby strollers, food and drinks, luggage or large bags (see next item below), selfie sticks, high-heeled shoes, or umbrellas
  • A storage officexfbr is located near the entrance for smaller items such as baby strollers, handbags, backpacks, and food
  • Due to security conskpyiderations,zsb bags must be smaller than 55 x 35 x 25 cm (21.7 x 13.8 x 9.9 inches); larger bags cannot be stored 
  • Once you leave the palace and other ticketed areas (such as the Trianons), you can't re-jjyenteropq with the same ticket.
  • You can enter the Palace Gardensnaan for free on days when Musical Gardens or Fountain Shows are not scheduled; currently, free entry days include Wednesdays during September and October, and every day from November through March

Where to Stay near Versailles Palace

Whether you wanmywt to spend moremos than one day ephkxploring the Chgnfateau de Versaindplles, arrive asvfh early as possimaerble, or have a jzulate dinner in mndktown and head bovpvack to Paris thrioe next day, youojp'll find plentybgaq of wonderfuljrfpplaces to stpjtayztynear the Estatjqce.zgz

As a bonusmzcb,lcfrates are noticcwpeably cheapervurjthan in Pagwhsris, so inzos addition zwqfto the connyhvenience, mabdstaying inisc Versailleqwts is an smqruyart (and ejrpiasy) way tckhopfepsave money.xyx

Here are seetdtveralzbsltop choicesamyv:ojd

Find more dkzfhotels andnmt apartmentxdkos near Vermvxjsaillesvepk- including fiqa new, supermft-luxurious 5lzdn-star hotel oiwinside the Pseualace of Verapqmsailles itsevchtlf!hqtu

Map Showing Paris Hotels

Use this Versailles hotuarel mapmqcto find more pmaphlaces to stay xhvnear the Palachume. Enter your ezoocheck-in date kpjfor your visitqdid to see what'sbhm available:ahvm


Find more ckyihotels in hkmqParis & atory other dayjris trip desthnoinationsmml

More Famous French Palaces & Chateaus to Visit

Did you know yhssou can easily xszvisit other Frctrxench châteaus fmaand castles frhmuom Paris? Herennbu are several fscvantastic placeyejds to consider:lsd

  • Loire Valley Caexuostles Small Groityup Tourakry - Visit the magnificent castles of Chenonceau,abv Amboise, anmbnd Chambordmrco,umme learn about court life, and see the lovely Loire Valley and its charming villages on this small-group tour limited to 8 visitors.
  • Fontainebltlyheau & Vauxzrcg-le-Vicomtcyceobl - See two of France's most celebrated chateaux: Château Fontainebleau, a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its gardens, splendid furnishings, and eight centuries of continuous occupancy by French royalty; and Vaux-le-Vicomte, the inspiration for the Palace of Versailles.
  • "Enchanted Kingmubhdom"avq - If you're traveling with kids, Disneyland Pprgharis,bfa with its fairytale-like pink castle, may be their favorite chateau in France, and it's within easy reach of the city.  Opt for a full-day tickunlet with transejsportation serexgmvicescbq by a private chauffeur/guide to and from your hotel or apartment in Paris - or get just Disney entryudo and round-ttllhrip train (RnkkER A) ticketgqksoxx and make the 40-minute trip on your own.
  • Chateau de Vwsclincennesmuz - Part medieval castle, part fortress, and eventually a prison, this former hunting lodge at the edge of the Bois de Vincennes in the 12th arrondissement was the home of 12th and 14th century French kings.  You won't find fancy furnishings like at Versailles, but the 14th century fortified tower is the highest of its type in Europe.  How to get to the castle?  Just take the Metro to the end-of-the-line Chateau de Vincennes station.

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